BINGOOO systematics

BINGOOO is a search, comparison- & communication browser which combines the advantages of an integrated browser, meta searching engines and specialized searching agents. User-friendly struture and praxis-oriented searching criteria enable you to find specific information referring to certain subjects. Apart from that, BINGOOO provides you with the possibility of instant messenging and the reception of internet tv and –radio.

The basic searching criteria categories and agents help you to define your query most precisely before entering your individual search term. Categories and agents are shown in the panel on the left hand side of the BINGOOO interface (agent window).

Categories describe the general subject area (for example "economy" or "news"). Please choose a category first before selecting a special agent. The categories are labeled by coloured boxes.

Agents are specialized search engines searching through special fields of knowledge within a category and are therefore subordinated inder their respective category. Each agent refers to various sources. The agent window always shows the agents of the chosen category.

After having chosen a category and an agent, you can enter your specific search term in the keyword line above the result window. Different agents require varying amounts and types of information from the user. You can start the search after having entered your search term.

You can find further information under:

Searching criteria in BINGOOO
Category definition
Agent definition
Agent panel